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To discuss a film project or to consult us, call the production team : +33 6 17 96 50 43.

or send us an email to: contact(at)

For applications and collaborations, please send an email to contact(at)

Paris Office

4 Rue Molière
93100 Montreuil - France

Tel: +33 7 81 88 45 22

Lyon Office

Pôle Pixel - Bat B
26 rue Emile Decorps
69100 Villeurbanne - France

Tel: +33 4 82 33 66 12

Provence / French Riviera office

Impasse des Rossignols
83610 Collobrières - France

Tel: +33 6 17 96 50 43

agence imagista office in Montreuil Paris
photo imagista Lyon office building at the pixel pole