Ownership of the IMAGISTA.FR website:

iMagista is an agency and trademark of SARL IMAGISTA, registered with INPI.
The https://www.imagista.fr website is the property of SARL IMAGISTA, an audiovisual and film production company with capital of €8,000.
Registered with the RCS of Toulon, N° SIRET 517 995 049 00015 - NAF 5911A
The head office is located :
Impasse Les Rossignols 83610 Collobrières, Paca - France.
To contact the company :
Email: contact[at]imagista.fr

PARIS office: 4 Rue Molière 93100 Montreuil

LYON office: 26 Rue Emile Decorps, Pole Pixel, Bat. M 69100 Villeurbanne

Development and hosting:

The website has been developed using WordPress services.
Site content is hosted by OVH : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France.
The domain is hosted by OVH , Head office of the host : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France.

Design: iMagista / Sylvain Gord
Design: Laborator Créative, Sylvain Gord, Alexander Viollet and Martin Rivarel

Intellectual property rights:

All elements (texts, graphics, photos, images, videos, sound elements, etc.) contained in the website are protected by national and international intellectual property law. These elements remain the exclusive property of iMagista and/or its partners. As such, you may not reproduce, represent, adapt, translate and/or transform, in whole or in part, any audiovisual or textual elements on the site without the prior written consent of iMagista or its rightful owners.

Failure to comply with this prohibition may constitute an act of counterfeiting for which you may be held civilly and criminally liable. In accordance with the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code, the only authorized use of the elements making up the website is for strictly personal purposes.

The trademarks and logos reproduced on this website are the exclusive property of iMagista and/or its partners. Any reproduction, republication or redistribution of the names, film images or logos, by any means whatsoever, without the prior written authorization of the relevant owner, is prohibited by law. In the event of unauthorized reproduction, even partial, of the name or logo, you may be held civilly and criminally liable.
The use or reproduction of all or part of these elements is subject to the prior agreement of iMagista and/or the rights holders.

The person responsible for the https://www.imagista.fr website is Mr Martin Rivarel. In application of the French Intellectual Property Code and, more generally, of international treaties and agreements containing provisions relating to the protection of copyright, it is forbidden to reproduce, sell, distribute, issue, broadcast, adapt, modify, publish, communicate in full or in part, in any form whatsoever, the data, presentation or organization of the site without prior written authorization.

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