Video Mapping: Night on Bald Mountain

A visual and spatial staging of Modest Mussorgsky's symphonic poem.

volcano puy de dome drone photo

Saint-Salvadou - Aveyron

You enter a church and suddenly find yourself at the heart of the apocalypse: an orchestra plays, music echoes in the nave. Strange silhouettes watch you and dance on the walls. Projectors create a veil of light that covers the architecture, revealing its sacred substance. These successive illusions give the spectator an omniscient point of view, revealing the trompe-l'œil of the construction of the sacred.

It's no longer Alberti's beloved windows that open onto the world. It's the light itself that creates its own hole in the stones and shapes the architecture; the point of view swells until it becomes total, and what is then revealed is the very architecture of the sacred. This substance, unable to be embodied, caught in the oscillation between revelation and destruction, has no choice but to burn itself out. To be touched by grace, we must be open to disaster, and better still, to apocalypse.

It's an apocalypse, but a joyful one, since it's the occasion for a revelation: there's no bankruptcy of the sacred. Those who once knelt before the representation of Christ in majesty are now faced with new visions, those generated by a total work of art capable of transcending reality.



Customer : Le Chant des Serenes
Production : iMagista
Coproduction : Cosmo AV
Director : Constant Bœrwinkel & Alexander Viollet
Orchestra: Secession Orchestra / conductor: Clément Mao -Takacs
Video: iMagista & Dirt in the wind